Monday, December 6, 2010

Traveling Today

Headed back home today, so won't get to write much. I'm not off to a great start if the second real day of my blog is a punt, but I'm back for several weeks once I get there, so I should be able to get in a good groove. In fact I don't head out again until Christmas, so I should be able to get some serious writing done.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Offshore Drilling as a Microcosm of Every Political Issue

For those of us at the liberal end of the spectrum, the current Florida offshore drilling issue typifies the same catch-22 we face on every issue. The public generally supports us, but not enough to counteract the beating we take from the right on the subject.

If questioned most people probably don't think we should re-open offshore drilling until something is resolved about safety concerns, but quite simply that was yesterdays news. Meanwhile we're being beaten to death by the right on the same subject. One wonders if we're picking the wrong fights?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

I thought I'd finally get around to starting a blog. This is a personal blog, nothing profound. Just a chance to talk about whatever interests me. At the moment that is, in no particular order:

  • Travel
  • Finance
  • Disney World (I'm a Disney Nut)
  • Politics

I'm sure I'll think of more to write about in the future but those are the things that I want to talk about now. Be sure to say "Hi!" if you visit! This is mainly a journal but I'd love to see if I get any readers.

